
Misako Kido

Born and raised in Australia by Japanese parents, I moved to Tokyo after graduating high school. I have been creating many different ranges of ceramic works since studying pottery in 2016 at Izumi Togei Institute, from jewelry to tableware, plant pots/vases, and sculptural work.
I use different clays, firing methods, and building techniques to produce my work. All my glazes are handmade, and the crystalline glaze I use for most of my work is made from an original recipe. Lichens and moss plants have been my motif in recent work. These gentle and silent little natures are so beautiful and fascinating to me. The way they grow, the colors, textures, and patterns they create have been an inspiration to my work.

〰️ Exhibitions & Displays 〰️

▪️2019 - Galley 碧 Ao
Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan

▪️2021 - Group Exhibition 横浜赤レンガ倉庫
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan

▪️2022 - Northsite Contemporary Arts
Cairns, Queensland, Australia 

🔜2023 - Group Exhibition 横浜赤レンガ倉庫(予定:5/9〜5/15)
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
    - Exhibition 2人展 赤坂ジャローナ(予定:9/19〜9/23)
Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

2016 Yokohama Izumi Togei Institute. 
2019 Graduated Yokohama Izumi Togei 
Institute. Currently based in Tokyo Japan
(2022 based in Cairns, Australia)

2016 横浜いずみ陶芸学院 入学
2018 横浜いずみ陶芸学院 卒業 25期生
2019 横浜いずみ陶芸学院 研究科 修了
(2022 ケアンズ、オーストラリアに滞在)